Newborn Session Prep Guide

Congratulations on the newest addition to your sweet family! These first few days and weeks are so magical and it's such an honour to capture your little one during this special time.

Here are some tips and tricks I've found to be super helpful in preparing for your newborn session so it can be as fun, stress free and enjoyable as possible.

Prepping Baby

  • Try and stimulate and keep baby awake for an hour or so before the session begins. This helps make baby extra sleepy for the session and when baby can get in a deeper sleep, it makes posing and going from one set to another easier.

  • Please fully feed your baby right before leaving for the studio. This helps ensure baby drifts off into a nice deep sleep before arriving at the studio. Don't worry though, we'll have plenty of time for top up feeds and can take regular breaks as and when needed.

  • Try to avoid putting on any nappy ointment on baby's skin. If you are using it regularly, please be sure to clean off prior to your session.

  • Wear loose outfits that are easily removed. On the morning of your session, try and dress baby in a loose outfit that zips down or snaps up the front. If baby is sleeping, we'll start the newborn session straight away and where possible I want to try and disturb baby as little as possible when getting undressed. Try to avoid any tight socks and nappies to avoid those pesky marks and lines.

  • Bring a pacifier if you're using one. If your baby is using a pacifier I would always recommend bringing one along as they serve as a wonderful distraction for the baby during the session. Sucking is a soothing mechanism and they are incredibly helpful in keeping baby settled when moving around and posed.

During the session

  • The studio will be warm. Please be aware the studio will be very warm (typically around 85 degrees) to help baby stay settled and sleepy. I would encourage you to wear lots of layers which you can remove as necessary if you think you'll get too hot. You are also welcome to pop outside for some cool air at any time!

  • Help yourself to refreshments. There will be plenty of refreshments available throughout the session so please help yourself to tea and coffee at any time and enjoy some much needed relaxation time!

  • Bring plenty of milk and nappies. If bottle feeding, please bring plenty of milk with you, more than you think you'll need, it's always better to have too much than too little. I will have a supply of nappies on hand in case you run about but I know from personal experience, some nappies fit better than others so it's always preferable to use your own.

  • There is no need to bring anything for baby to wear. I provide all the wraps, headbands, hats, clothes & props. Unless there is something special you want to bring for your newborn's photos, don't worry about outfits. If there is something you want to bring, please let me know so I can work a set around it.

  • When baby needs a break, we'll take a break. I allow 3+ hours for newborn sessions to ensure we have plenty of time for nappy changes, feeding breaks or just a break in general from the session. Please don't worry if baby gets fussy, I want your session to be as enjoyable and stress free as possible. `

  • I'll do my best to keep the environment of newborn sessions very calm and peaceful. The more relaxed everyone in the room is, the more relaxed baby will be. For me this means pulling out my baby sound machine and whispering skills. For parents, this means relaxing and letting the photography magic happen!

  • Sit back and enjoy the session! Above everything else, I want the session to be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone, so feel free to just sit back and relax!

Getting to the studio

I have a purpose built newborn studio situated at the bottom of my garden, which is incredibly warm, cosy and above all peaceful!

Studio Address: Larkfield, The Parks, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 8BT.

Please look for two grey gates in front of a white house as you head up through The Parks, the house is situated approximately 200m up on the left hand side. Please ring the buzzer on the gate.

There is a parking space on the drive, so no need to park on the road, drive straight in once the gates open.