Older Baby & Sitter Sessions

Older Baby & Sitter Sessions in Minehead, Somerset.

My older baby sessions are perfectly suited for babies up to their first birthday. There are a couple of key milestones that take place during a baby's first year which make for amazing photographs, and these are:

3-4 months old

Around 3-4 months old, babies are usually able to do mini push-ups and can hold their head up steadily (although every baby is different) and all of these new abilities mean babies can engage with me more, resulting in some beautiful images of baby on their tummy as well as on their back. In addition, babies around this age are so expressive and full of beaming smiles making for some adorable pictures.

My older baby sessions are typically much shorter than my newborn sessions, lasting around 30 minutes. Babies tire quickly, so i'll work swiftly alternating between both tummy time and on baby's back to ensure we get a variety of beautify images for your gallery. If you also would like family photos of you all together, we would then look to capture these, as if baby is tired, they'll be still be nice and content in your arms having a cuddle.

When booking your session, I'll discuss with you their nap schedule, and ideally book the session closely after baby has had a nap and feed.

I have a beautiful selection of outfits and props available which we can use throughout your session, although at this age, babies really don't need much, just an adorable rug to lie on works beautifully!

Sitter Sessions (6-9 months)

Sitter Sessions marks a wonderful milestone in your baby’s development, and is a magical stage to capture with their beautiful smiles, giggles and sheer joy.  

A sitter session takes place when your baby is sitting confidently unaided which is usually between 6 and 9 months (although every baby is different). The aim of a sitter sesion is to capture their growing personalities, and their newfound independence as they sit up confidently and are able to explore the world from a different perspective! In my experience, babies of this stage are very engaged and adapt well to their new surroundings resulting in great big styles and fun expressions! 

I tailor each sitter session to what you would like, and have a variety of props and outfits for you to choose from. 

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